Curriculum Plan
The program curriculum consists of a total of 44 credit hours for the Concentration in Chaplain Certification and Dual Degree concentration (M.S./M.Div.) with Virginia Union University options. The Concentration in accelerated Chaplain Certification curriculum consists of a total of 30 credit hours. The Concentration in Certified Educator Clinical Pastoral Education program consists of 44 credit hours. Acceptance to this option is by Invitation Only. Enrollment for all courses by non-Patient Counseling majors requires the permission of the instructor. The completion of the first three curriculum options completes the minimum educational requirements of national certifying bodies such as the Association of Professional Chaplains, Inc.
Each full-time semester at VCU is designed to meet the requirements of Certified Educator CPE as accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. Students who have completed degree requirements may continue to enroll as special students if completing residency requirements at VCUHS or certification requirements with the ACPE.
Master of Science in Patient Counseling (VCU)
Electives might include PATC 592 or courses in the 620 and 630 series, 697, as well as courses in Rehabilitation Counseling or Gerontology. Students who have completed at least one unit of accredited clinical pastoral education may seek faculty approval to waive the PATC 515 prerequisite requirement for more advanced courses that include clocked clinical hours.